Due to many factors adrenal disorders are epidemic today. Diets high in food additives, trans-fats, refined carbohydrates and synthetic sweeteners play a huge role in the depletion of adrenal gland stores. Couple that with the constant stress of daily living and you have a recipe for adrenal disaster!
The adrenals and pituitary glands are small but key to all hormone regulation in the body. When they become depleted drastic hormonal shifts must occur. Menopausal women are particularly vulnerable. Unfortunately these days physicians are quick to begin hormonal treatment with HRT or Bio-Identical therapy, completely missing the adrenal factor.
The adrenals and pituitary glands are designed to secrete the reproductive hormones necessary to move through menopause. This depletion will of course have a dramatic impact on the intensity of menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, brain fog, irritability and depression.
Adrenal stress can certainly affect men and children. It is important to be aware of the condition of these important glands before they are completely exhausted and become ever more difficult to correct.
We have suspected for years how the adrenals affect hormone fluctuation but without a good lab test it was difficult to pin down. Now with accurate testing we can determine the adrenal condition and apply proper nutritional therapy.
Is adrenal fatigue an issue for you? A good subjective indication would be one or more of the following symptoms:
- Fatigue
- Headaches (with physical or mental stress)
- Weak immune system
- Allergies
- Irritable before meals
- Hot flashes
- Foggy brain
- Depression
- Insomnia
There are several products we recommend for adrenal stress, Adaptocrine, Adrenastim, and Adrenacalm by Apex Energetics. We also highly recommend Adrecor by NeuroScience.
When you are ready for some objective lab tests to asses adrenal function, give us a call and we will send you the appropriate test kit. We can also discuss your particular symptoms and recommend products that will make a difference.
Read the wonderful testimonial by Cynthia L. on this blog for an example of what adrenal support can do for you.
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