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Healthy Halloween: Trick or Treating the Gluten-Free Way

Halloween is a time for treats but can be a real drag for children with celiac disease or gluten issues. Instead of keeping your children off the streets or not allowing them to get involved with the festivities, there are a variety of methods you can use to keep things exciting for children. Have Your […]

10 Common Misconceptions About Gluten Sensitivity

In just a few years, being gluten-free has gone from being some obscure concept to becoming the fastest-growing grocery store category. We are finding a nice supply of gluten-free foods in just about every store we have visited these last few years. We were recently in a small store in Akumal, Mexico and found gluten-free […]

Why is Paleo So Powerful?

Also known as the “caveman diet”, Paleo is a way of eating the focuses on what ancient man might have eaten. Overall, this means eating like hunters and gatherers with a diet consisting mainly of lots and lots of fresh produce and lean animal protein. On the flip side, it also means avoiding sugar, processed […]