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Telomere Testing, Omega-3 Index Testing & Blood Tests

Telomere testing, omega-3 index, and blood tests-these are tests you will want to utilize routinely to monitor your health progress. I will give a brief summary of each so you have what you will need to do your own research to convince yourself of the value of doing these periodically. Think of lab tests as […]

Introducing QOLCast, Dr. Dan’s New Podcast

To keep you better informed of current health trends, Dr. Dan has launched a new podcast at QOL is short for “quality of life” – that is what we are after, right? The goal of this new podcast is to help filter out all the noise from the signal when it comes to reporting […]

Depression and Neurotransmitters

Far too often we talk with people dealing with depression, anxiety and/or insomnia. The problem may have many components including some current situational issues or past trauma. It is always good to work with different healthcare professionals, each having its particular strengths when helping people work through these issues. We like to look at things […]