February is American Heart Awareness month. When people think of heart health they normally think of one thing, their cholesterol numbers. Having a healthy heart is more than cholesterol. What if you do have high numbers, what then? How do you lower those numbers? What constitutes a healthy heart?

Health, no matter what organ we are talking about, is multifaceted. It is never just one thing that helps a person regain their health. It is the combination of taking the right steps before you are sick, and those same steps apply if you are sick.

1. Diet – Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, low in grain consumption, mixed with balance protein sources, like range free meats and fresh caught fish, can guard the health of your heart. Supplementing your diet with Omega 3 fish oil can also improve the heart’s health.

2. Exercise – Exercise is an important key a lot of people skip. People tend to think it is necessary to go to a gym and spend an hour a day working out, so they give up. I tell all my clients to start with walking and only 15 minutes a day at first and then work up from there. It is essential to begin with something easy at first. This short amount of time allotted for exercise makes the goal attainable and the benefits are huge. Most people find when they start with 15 minutes it isn’t long before they are walking 30 without even thinking about it.

3. Meditation – Meditation doesn’t require sitting cross legged chanting OM. It can be 10 minutes sitting quietly in your bedroom, garden or even your car on a break at work. It takes just minutes to still your mind and breathe deep. Try just listening to the sounds around you, the birds chirping, the clock ticking, even voices in the distance. Try not to think of the list of things you have to do, yes, try not to think at all! It takes practice but persistence will pay off.

4. Stress – Eliminate the extra things that cause stress in your life. You may not be able to change jobs or stop being a care giver, for example, but there are small things you can do to de-stress. Turn off your cell phone for a couple hours. Say no to people or organizations when you know it is just going to add more stress to your life. Saying no is sometimes saying yes to your heart.

5. Sleep – The last key to a healthy heart is getting a good night’s sleep.  Try to go to bed around the same time every night. Grown-ups need a bedtime just like kids do! Turn the TV and computer off 30 minutes before bed. Use those 30 minutes to prepare for sleep; take a bath, read a little, meditate or listen to relaxing music. You can’t hit the bed at high speed and expect to fall to sleep.

If you are worried about the health of your heart and still not sure what steps you should take and what supplement s you need, give us a call! At OVitaminPro.com we are always available to help you with your health concerns!