You have probably noticed in the news that February is American Heart Month. This month’s blog and newsletter will focus on the importance of glutathione. Glutathione is the master antioxidant of the body and is not only important for the prevention of heart disease but so much more!
I just read about a group of Canadian, French and German researchers who recently completed a study involving 636 patients with cardiovascular disease. They found that patients with high baseline activity levels of glutathione peroxidase 1 in their red blood cells were three times less likely to suffer a cardiovascular event than were patients with low activity levels.
They concluded that a low level of activity of red-cell glutathione peroxidase 1 is independently associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular events in patients with coronary artery disease. They also suggest that increasing glutathione peroxidase 1 activity might lower the risk of cardiovascular events.
Blankenberg, Stefan, et al. Glutathione peroxidase 1 activity and cardiovascular events in patients with coronary events.
I asked Dr. Dan to further elaborate on this marvelous antioxidant and some of its other benefits.
Dr. Dan:
I will discuss glutathione frequently because it is absolutely essential to your wellbeing and not much about it makes it into the popular press.
We will discuss glutathione in two different contexts. The first has to do with heavy metal overload and the other is autism.
But first I need to bring you up to speed on a couple of basics. Glutathione is made of three amino acids. The amount of glutathione in your body is directly related to your disease resistance and longevity. Glutathione is the master anti-oxidant and activates other anti-oxidants such as Vitamin C, Vitamin E and coenzyme Q10. It can also attach to toxins and usher them out of the cell.
One interesting study was published in NeuroToxicology in 2005. The title is Thimerosal Neurotoxicity is associated with glutathione depletion: protection with glutathione precursors. Research was done in association with the University of Arkansas.
It should be noted that thimerosol is about 50% ethyl mercury and has been used for years as a preservative in vaccines. Environmental studies have shown ethyl mercury to be a potent neurotoxin especially to the developing brain.
Mercury is highly attracted to the sulfur groups of the glutathione molecule and the two readily bind together. The body then removes this glutathione-toxin complex. Therefore glutathione provides a primary defense for removing mercury from the cell.
In this study, nerve cells in cultures were found to have increased resistance to damage from the introduction of thimerosol if they had high glutathione levels and conversely, cells with lower glutathione levels were more prone to thimerosol damage if they had lower glutathione levels.
The study showed that adding NAC or n-acetyl cysteine helped the cell increase its glutathione levels and therefore increased its resistance to damage from the introduction of the highly toxic thimerosol with ethyl mercury.
Thimerosol has been removed from most infant vaccines as of 2005. Infants who received all the recommended vaccinations prior to 2005 would have received 237 pg (pico grams) or .02 mcg of mercury by 18 months of age just from thimerosol. This doesn’t count mercury and other toxic metals from other sources. Thimerosol containing vaccines are still given to pregnant women, the elderly and to children in developing countries. Keep in mind that vaccines still contain aluminum, formaldehyde and gelation (a source of glutatmate).
Conclusion? Many MD’s will swear on a stack of bibles that there is no risk in giving vaccines to infants. That may be true if the child has adequate glutathione levels. How do you know? Only a couple of labs in the US perform glutathione testing. We can recommend using LifeWave Glutathione patches for several days before and several days after any vaccine. You can break open capsules of Apex Energetics Glutathione Recycler and/or NeuroScience CysNAC and add it to their formula. Adults should use LifeWave Patches and supplements Glutathione Recycler and/or CysNAC two to three times daily for five days before and at least two weeks after a vaccination.
If you would like to increase your level of glutathione you can start with using the Lifewave glutathione patch three times a week. You can use CysNac by NeuroScience or Glutathione Recycler by Apex Energetics on the alternate days. We recommend 2 to 4 capsules on those days.
Look for our next blog on glutathione coming up later this month.