If you do find that you have high blood pressure, the first step is to consult with a trusted healthcare provider, who can put you on a plan to help manage this condition. Everyone is very different, so it’s important to discuss with your healthcare provider prior to starting to treat the condition on your own.
In most cases, your healthcare provider will start by assessing your risk factors, your lifestyle, and your other health conditions. High risk or incidences of diabetes can affect your treatment plan for high blood pressure, so getting your diabetes under control is often a first step. Your doctor will likely start first with the biggest things that affect your wellbeing as a whole: diet and exercise.
A healthy diet is a great way to not only manage blood pressure, but also support a healthy body overall. At OVitaminPro.com, we believe that nutrition is at the core of so many different health concerns and with the right guidance and counseling, you can make a huge difference in the way you feel and the condition of your body overall when you take the time to nourish it correctly.
Proper nourishment lies mostly in the foods we eat, but it can also be supplemented with, well, supplements! Our bodies can’t always get what we need from our diets or may have difficulty absorbing certain nutrients. To get a better picture of this, we recommend doing blood testing (we can recommend several labs and tests) to get a complete nutritional picture. Next, identify a diet and supplements that can work well for your needs. For example, for high blood pressure support, we recommend nutritional supplements like:
- Berberine Balance by Douglas Laboratories: this supplement supports healthy blood pressure, cholesterol, proper insulin function, and a healthy heart.
- Carditonel by Ayush Herbs: Used as both a sedative and a way to support healthy blood pressure, this supplement is calming and can increase blood flow to the heart.
- Potassium Citrate by Allergy Research: Potassium is vital for regulating blood pressure, so when you can’t get it in your diet, we recommend supplementing.
- Perfusia-SR by Thorne Research: Designed to balance blood pressure and lipid profile, this supplement is a great pick for cardiovascular health.
Plus, you may also find other supplements that can support weight loss or weight management, which can tie in closely to blood pressure.
Exercise is going to be another step in managing high BP, so work with your healthcare provider as well as a trainer to come up with a plan that works for you and your ability level. For example, you may want to consider cardiovascular boosting exercises, such as running or cycling. Or, if you have joint pain, consider something gentler, like yoga or swimming. You’ll be able to find something that works for you!
Hopefully, you’ll be able to catch and treat your condition naturally without having to rely on prescription medications, however, this is between you and your healthcare provider to discuss and decide on. Remember – this is a serious condition that does require guidance.
Want to learn more about these supplements? Give us a call and we’d be happy to help!